MS Excel and MS Project Training

MS Excel Advanced Course

Module - 1 - Text Functions                                                           Introduction to MS Excel, General Applications of MS Excel in Organizations, Excel Basics – Ribbon, Options and Add-ins, Worksheet – New, Save, Print and Share. Functions – Home; Text Formatting, Cell Formatting, Sum, Dropdown, Erase, Sort and Filter, Find and Select, Analyse Data. Functions – Page Layout, View Functions and Overview of Formula functions. MS Excel ShortcutsModule - 2 - Date and Time Functions                                         Date Formulae - Date, Day, Edate, Eomonth, Hour, Minute, Second, Time, Now, Networkdays, Networkdays.Intl, Today, Weekday, Weeknum, Workday, Workday.Intl, Year, YearFrac. Practical ProblemsText Formulae - Concatenate, Concat, Exact, Upper, Lower, Proper, Left, Mid, Right, Find, Search, Replace, Substitute, Rept, Trim, TextJoin . Practical Problems.Module - 3 - Logical Functions, Lookup and Reference Function    Logical Functions: And, False, IF, IFERROR, IFS, NOT,OR, TRUE.Lookup and Reference Function :  Choose, Column, Columns, Hlookup, Index, Match, VLOOKUP, Hlookup, Row, Rows, Transpose. Practical Problems.Data Functions – Sort, Filter Functions, Text to Columns, Remove Duplicates, Data Validation, Consolidate, What-if Analysis – Scenario Manager, Goal Seek and Data Table, Forecast Sheet. Practical Problems.Module - 4 - Math and Statistical Function:                                 Sum,Sumif,Sumifs,Sumproduct,Even,Odd,Rand,Randbetween,Average,AverageA,Averageif,Averageifs,Count,CountA,Countblank,countif,countifs.Practical Problems. Handling Errors in Excel, Practical Problems.Module - 5 - Creating Dashboards                                                Insert Functions - Pivot Tables and Charts: Introduction to Pivot Tables, Field List: Activate, move ,resize and Layout, Sort List. Pivot table design: Pivot table styles, sub totals, Grand Totals, Report Layouts, Blank Row, change the layout of a report filter, Value field settings: Summarize values by, show values as . Grouping, sort and filter, Pivot Charts, SlicersOther Insert Functions – Illustrations, Add-ins, Charts, Maps, Sparklines, Link, Comment, Text and Symbols and Brief about Drawing functions. Practical Problems.

Microsoft Project Course

  • Modern Project Management
  • Introduction -  Project, Program and Portfolio Management and  Role of Project Manager
  • Organisation Strategy and Project Selection

Project in MS Projects
  • Defining a Project - Scope, WBS, OBS, PBS
  • Estimating Project Time and Costs
  • Developing Project Schedule
  • Managing Risk
  • Scheduling Resources and Costs
  • Reducing Project Duration
  • Managing Project Teams
  • Outsourcing in Project Management
  • Progress and Performance Measurement and Evaluation
  • Project Closure

IT and Agile Project Management
  • Agile Project Management
  • International Projects